Starting a Business is Not for the Weak

starting a business

Starting a Business is Not for the Weak

Starting a business is not for the weak but for the strong-minded warrior in you. These words are not used lightly. Whether you are a start-up business, thinking of a new home-based business, or working with customers over thirty years, it takes staying power.

During the pandemic, you may be out of job, treading water with an existing one, or have so much work you are drowning in it. Whatever the case may be, you’ll need all your strength and the support you can muster up. Every scenario requires you to put on your best thinking cap.

starting a business

This blog is written to inspire you no matter where you find yourself. Vision 2 Market has worked with so many types of individuals and businesses over the last fourteen years. Some people have their heads down in work, others are pondering their next move. The next move is the one that feels right. When you have a strong intuition about something, lean into it. Whether it’s growing your company bigger, trying something new, or staying the course. There are so many inspirational books, blogs, and podcasts designed to keep you engaged and inspired. The bottom line is even after all the people you can follow, you will need inner strength. No one person or message can instill that in you.

Where does one find strength? Not the physical kind. The mental wherewithal. Some find it in faith and meditation. While that might not be your go to, it’s imperative to tap into your own power. Concentration and consistency are two important keys. If you are working from home right now these two factors are at a premium. Whether the kids need help, your dog is barking, or a family member is ill, these are not average times.  A routine is harder to come by nowadays more than ever. You may even be overworking yourself with starting a new business or being even busier during the pandemic.

Try to focus on these four ‘R’ words…release, rest, reconnection, & rejuvenation. We all need an outlet that does not require our husband, wife, partner, children or family. If you already have an outlet like working out that’s great. A release in this case refers to quieting your mind. Letting go of all your thoughts, fears, or worries in absolute silence. The digital world is all consuming and it takes up a lot of space around us. Sitting in in solitude can be a form of strength. It can force us to rest and get in touch with how we feel and bring us back to what we need. There is strength in resting your mind. Not the kind of rest where your eyeballs are rolling back into your head every night. A mindful rest can be a great source of strength.

Reconnection is so important. Everyone is so busy and although a text gets the job done, an actual phone call can go a long way. Video is fun too but sometimes a good old-fashioned telephone call has a nostalgic feel. It could be a new feel depending on your age. There are so many ways to rejuvenate. Since it’s a season of giving, you could put your own wellness on the gift list. Wellness is synonymous with productivity and wealth. When you feel good, you’re more likely to achieve more.

Whether you have failed at a business, put one on hiatus, deciding to stay the course, or growing exponentially, the four R’s are not for the weak but the strong. Even if you are starting a business this year, the challenges will be immense. Remember, all the answers are within you. A business is one of the most demanding jobs you will ever have outside of parenting and caretaking. Some of you are doing it all! Giant virtual hugs to you right now! Take some time this holiday season to release, rest, reconnect, and rejuvenate. Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving and a big THANK YOU for supporting Vision 2 Market all year long.

Catherine Flores
[email protected]

Catherine Flores is the Owner of Vision 2 Market, LLC established in Huntington, New York since 2006. Catherine holds a Bachelor of Science degree in business with a specialization in marketing. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Adelphi University on Garden City, Long Island. You'll find her spending time with family, exploring the outdoors, walking her havapoo, and mixing up organic eats in the kitchen when she's not collaborating with clients in Long Island, New York, Walpole, Massachusetts, and Sebring, Florida.

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