09 Jul Small Business Marketing Efforts Pay Off Big With Simple Strategies
Small business marketing efforts pay off big when you follow some simple strategies. We’ve visited several clients after 4th of July looking to ramp up fall marketing efforts. The digital era has made it possible for small business owners to capture attention quickly. It’s a good time to think about your fall marketing strategy.
You can experience profits with your small business marketing efforts by following these 10 marketing tips:
Small Business Marketing Tips
1. Keep your logo and brand look consistent in all advertising.
2. Update your website on a regular basis with promotions and blogs.
3. Maintain your social media channels weekly.
4. Consistently run local ads on social media.
5. Use email marketing to reach customers.
6. Search Engine Optimize your website and blog.
7. Advertise seasonal offers on paid search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing.
8. Create a video and participate on new social media platforms.
9. Ask clients for an online review.
10. Survey clients so you can improve.
Small Business Marketing – Too Complex For Owners To Manage Alone
Clients have improved marketing efforts using many of these 10 marketing tips. Most owners handle customers, manage employees and try to run their small business marketing efforts. Marketing is too complex today to handle alone. It’s nearly impossible. It could be the reason why your marketing hasn’t paid off.
Most owners don’t have time to focus on their small business marketing efforts. Marketing efforts are implemented last minute and with no plan. Advertisements are expected to be a one hit wonder. Advertising campaigns pay off big when you plan and execute with consistency.
Some small business marketing efforts are handled by companies that do not collaborate with one another. This often leads to a lack of communication. It also doesn’t create synergy for the owner who is paying good money on their small business marketing and advertising. A good example of this is when a business owner runs an ad on a major search engine, but their website company doesn’t include the offer on the website. Another example might be when a company runs a print ad that does not coordinate with the website content. When your message is clear and consistent your profits can pay off big! Contact Vision 2 Market for more information.
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