Web design is constantly evolving just like every other technology. It’s a major investment for businesses both large and small. Most businesses have a love for their website but find it daunting to handle website design updates.
So, when is it a good time to update your website? If you are not updating your site on a weekly or monthly basis, it’s safe to say you are missing out on potential profits. It’s easy to see why a web developer would want you to make regular updates. It certainly keeps them busy. However, as a business owner it’s a good idea to take a look at your website regularly and add to it when it makes sense. Strategize with your website developer and search engine optimization expert to discuss a plan.

For example, if you know people are searching for specific products or services in your area, you can feature website pages, graphic design and copywriting you may not have included more specifically on your site.
If you have a new product or service, that’s an ideal time to feature new content on your website. If you haven’t let customers know how you plan to service and care for them during COVID-19, it might be a missed opportunity. Customers want to know how your company is working during the pandemic. How do we know this? As marketing company, Vision 2 Market sees actual leads coming in from websites that say, “Not sure how you are currently operating during this time.” This might be an indication you might need more prominent graphics or wording on your website. It could also be people aren’t the best online readers.

Business owners who update their website content and participate in monthly search engine optimization services do better than businesses with stagnant websites. It’s not uncommon to see major web designs overhauled every five years. While updating content as your business grows is ideal, sometimes technology forces you to adapt sooner. Website designs and WordPress themes go out of style. Newer website technology can help you display information easier and faster making your end user happier.
Of course, it is a good idea to ask customers how they found your business. Take it one step further and get feedback about their user experience on your website. If you are getting positive feedback about your website from the majority of clients that’s great. However, don’t get stagnant. It’s very common for entrepreneurs to make a major website design update and then never revisit it again for a long time. If you stay on top of your website design, it can actually cost you less to update in the future. You might ask how this is possible.

If you don’t maintain your website platform, chances are it’s as out-of-date as you are reading this blog. It’s just like doing absolutely nothing to your computer and then wondering why it’s slow or keeps getting stuck. Regular updates help your website technology run smooth costing you less than major updates or repairs needed to be done all at once. Monthly web design updates in terms of maintenance and content are not unreasonable. Especially, if budget is a factor.
If you haven’t added new website content, you’re most likely not ranking as high on the search engines. This means your company is not found easily when searching for relevant keywords and phrases for what you do on Google, Bing, and other search engines. Other businesses may be keeping up regularly which puts you at a disadvantage. Some businesses leave their website stagnant since they are already busy. Then one day they recognize they aren’t maximizing results.
Maybe you do a lot of referral business and only need your website to act as an online brochure. Most small businesses rely heavily on word of mouth to increase sales. While that’s true, I recommend keeping your website current. It makes a good impression with customers when your website and social media are up to date. It can be the deciding factor in choosing your business over another.

Since the year is halfway over, it’s a good idea to access your web design now. Especially, if you haven’t done so already. Plan ahead and keep a list of website content you would like to feature moving forward. Even if you can only update one website page at a time, you would be moving in the right direction.
Don’t cut corners. Great website content, stellar graphics and creative writing can do wonders for online results. If you are not 100 percent proud of what you feature online, go with your gut. Fine tune it, and adjust as necessary just like you’ve been doing during this time.
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