Marketing momentum is hard to maintain as we head into another year of the pandemic. It seems to get harder not easier to adapt. Business owners are hit with more challenges as many workers and customers are down for the count with Covid-19. How can you maintain marketing momentum? Seems like the big question in 2022, as we continue to navigate in challenging times.

There are no easy solutions but step one is to keep yourself healthy as much as you can. This might seem elementary but given the number of virus infections, it’s a task in and of itself. We are not experts on fitness that’s for sure. However, sometimes you just have to get outdoors. Getting out of the office or away from the desk can be difficult for business owners. Try stepping away for a bit. Whether it’s a walk, eating a nourishing meal, or making connections with family members or friends. It’s never been easier to throw yourself into nothing but work since there is less to do with travel restrictions and loved ones being sick. Less work with more focus can actually be more productive. It’s a reminder we all need sometimes.

Breathe New Life Into Tasks To Keep Marketing Momentum

It might be a good idea to learn something new. Learning something new can spark other areas of the brain and provide excitement. Sometimes it might be playing an instrument, reading a new book, taking a cooking class online, or seeking out new business practices. It’s easy to get stagnant in times of uncertainty or frustration. Don’t get stuck. Get super engaged in something you’ve always wanted to do! What does any of this have to do with marketing momentum? Well, a lot. If you breathe new life into tasks and new ideas it can help you achieve more.

Set time aside for yourself. Even if it means taking time to learn more about digital marketing and ways to grow your business. Marketing momentum can be hard to maintain since the digital advertising scene changes rapidly. Many business owners handle their own marketing and advertising efforts. You might feel more comfortable being in charge of your leads. While that’s understandable, it can be a full time job keeping up with Google messages, Facebook Messenger, Instagram chat, LinkedIn notifications, online reviews, video marketing, SEO and more. It’s easy to miss important opportunities and messages handling the marketing alone.

The More Eyes On Your Business The Better

Consider careful collaborations with professional digital assistants, ad agencies and social media management companies. Another way to maintain marketing momentum is to avoid putting all your eggs in one basket. You wouldn’t consider this a strategy when investing money. Nor should you when it comes to your marketing and advertising efforts. The more eyes on your marketing the better. Many entrepreneurs use clerical staff to help with marketing, social media. and online ad development. This is a great solution if you have the time and expertise to provide a professional marketing and advertising education. When spending time with customers is what you love, it can be impossible to keep up with search engine optimization changes, website updates, and best digital marketing practices too.

Maintain Momentum By Having A Professional Team

Store owners and independent practitioners can feel less stressed when having access to a team of marketing professionals. I know a lot easier said than done right. Especially, with marketing and advertising jobs on the rise. It’s one of the biggest expenses for many companies. Even so, aligning yourself with an advertising agency or marketing company can reap the biggest rewards. You always have someone to rely on for sound advice. Achieve more and make more money with reliable help. Many people are changing careers during the pandemic. It feels better to have a team of marketers, website designers, and social media strategists nearby. If budget is an issue, consider freelance marketing help. Another alternative is to align your business with a local college. There are so many students looking for unpaid or paid internships just to gain experience.

A sure way to lose marketing momentum is to focus on the negative. Don’t harp on what you can’t do. A negative mentality does not contribute to success. It’s okay to be discouraged but try to surround yourself with positive people. Businesses cannot succeed without employees with the right attitude. When you own a business, the employees are a reflection of your company. Settle for greatness. The right help is out there and the trick is to keep a pool of talented professionals close by. A little time for yourself and dedicated help can make all the difference. Even if it means keeping a small team of two on rotation. No matter what size your team is, all of us at Vision 2 Market wish clients, coworkers, vendors, family, and friends a happier New Year!

Vision 2 Market Happy New Year
Catherine Flores

Catherine Flores is the Owner of Vision 2 Market, LLC established in Huntington, New York since 2006. Catherine holds a Bachelor of Science degree in business with a specialization in marketing. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Adelphi University on Garden City, Long Island. You'll find her spending time with family, exploring the outdoors, walking her havapoo, and mixing up organic eats in the kitchen when she's not collaborating with clients in Long Island, New York, Walpole, Massachusetts, and Sebring, Florida.

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